Q: If I register a domain name with Smartway can I use email?
A: Yes. You will be assigned a domain manager account which allows for up to 3 mailboxes to be created for the domain name.

Q: If I have my domain name registered with Smartway but do not have a hosting package can I use email?
A: If you just register the domain name you will be assigned a domain manager account which allows for up to 3 mailboxes to be created for the domain name.

Q: Why should I host with Smartway Hosting?
A: Because the majority of the hosting businesses in the US are not partial to the Conservatives or Republicans. You udon’t want your client black-listed because they, like you, believe in free speech but your hosting company does not. Don’t put your business in the hands of people hostile to you.

Q: Is Smartway for critical race theory (CRT)?
A: We are against critical race theory

Q: What conservative values do you stand for:
A: We are: against stricter gun laws
Against transgender rights
Against “woke” politics
Against open borders
For the sanctity of life
For individual freedom
For limited government
For peace through strength
For fiscal responsibility